Open Space Background

Photo Galleries

Family Day in Shell Ridge

Shell Ridge Family Day

Deer Lake with CCRCD

Deer Lake with CCRCD

building the nursery album

Tuesday Volunteers Slide Show

N LIme Ridge

North Lime Ridge Defencing

Bayberry restoration album

Bayberry Restoration

building the nursery album

Building the nursery

Acalanes wildflowers

deer lake album

Deer Lake
Thistle Erradication

Land of the
Golden Eagles

2003 Fire in
Lime Ridge

bird watching album

Bird Watching

Turkeys, Oaks, &

Scenic Views 1

mt diablo album

Views of Mt. Diablo

wildflowers of lime ridge

Lime Ridge Wildflowers

Fossil Hill Restoration Site

Fossil Hill Restoration

We are adding new galleries all the time, check back frequently!